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The successful ending of RHI 2016 Commendation Conference

Subordinate column,Company news  Date,2017-02-22 00:43:00 Clicks,153

Recently, RHI 2016 Commendation Conference was held successfully. It is a summary of 2016 company operation state and it also commended the outstanding team and staff.

At the conference, EHS Dept. Quality System, Manufacturing Dept.and Cost Center made a report of safety management, quality control, manufacturing state and operation cost in 2016 respectively. Finally, the Chairman and CEO of RHI, Mr.Wujian made a speech of promoting the development of independent brands continuously. He said that brand is the fundamental factor of building a longevity Enterprise and the brand development depending on continuous technology innovation, quality control and customer service. In 2017, GENMA and Parktec will realize spanning development by promoting intelligent product to improve brand core competitiveness.

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