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“GENMA” RTG for Ningbo Port Delivered Smoothly

Subordinate column,Product news  Date,2016-07-13 00:27:00 Clicks,599

Recently Rainbow Cargotec Industries Company (RCI) successfully delivered two RTG of “GENMA” brand to Ningbo Port. This project’s cycle from contract awarding to delivering was less than five months. During this period, “RCIers” from all departments combined their efforts to design sliding touch line electric car with higher rack, interface and commission Yaskawa system with “GENMA” electronic anti-sway system, and combine anti-bowling system with Yaskawa system and “GENMA” electronic anti-sway system as a whole.

Fulfilling this project successfully proved that RCI could fully adapt to Chinese market, and could provide world-leading container handling products and solutions to Chinese customers.

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